CHESTER, Storyhouse TheatreAimed at all Year 12s + any Y11s with potential for maths in 6th form
16 November 2021 (Choice of shows: 10am-12:30pm or 1:15pm-3:45pm )
Host: Jennifer Rogers
Rob Eastaway: Puzzling Surprises
Tom Crawford: Using Maths To Save The Planet
Colin Wright: Patterns, Predictions and Juggling
BIRMINGHAM, New Alexandra TheatreAimed at all Year 12s + any Y11s with potential for maths in 6th form
19 November 2021 (1:15pm - 3:45pm )
Host: Jennifer Rogers
Yolanda Ohene: The Magic Maths of Medicine
Rob Eastaway: Puzzling Surprises
Ben Sparks: The Sacred Geometry of Chance
BRISTOL, HippodromeAimed at all Year 12s + any Y11s with potential for maths in 6th form
25 November 2021 (1:15pm - 3:45pm )
Host: Zoe Griffiths
Paul Shepherd: Simply the Best
Steve Mould: My Weird Mathematical Obsessions
Ben Sparks: The Sacred Geometry of Chance
CAMBRIDGE, West Road Concert Hall Aimed at all Year 12s + any Y11s with potential for maths in 6th form
7 December 2021 (Choice of shows: 10am-12:30pm or 1:15pm-3:45pm )
Host: Zoe Griffiths
Tom Crawford: Using Maths To Save The Planet
Sophie Maclean: From Rads to Riches
Rob Eastaway: Puzzling Surprises
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