19 November 2021 (1:15pm - 3:45pm )
New Alexandra Theatre
Suffolk Street Queensway, Birmingham, B5 4DS
Host: Jennifer Rogers
Yolanda Ohene: The Magic Maths of Medicine
Rob Eastaway: Puzzling Surprises
Ben Sparks: The Sacred Geometry of Chance
Tickets: £10 + VAT - Teachers Free
Join celebrity statistician Jen Rogers and some of the UK's top maths speakers in this interactive lecture show, as they demonstrate that there is more to maths than taking exams. The show lasts around 150 minutes, including a short stretch break between the second and third speakers, and a lively Q&A at the end. Click on the speaker names for more details.
PLEASE NOTE - THIS IS AN IN-PERSON THEATRE SHOW. We will be taking the appropriate Covid precautions at this event, in accordance with government and theatre policy.
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