WINCHESTER, St Swithuns TheatreYear 11s & 12s
18 October 2019 (1pm-3:40pm)
Host: Matt Parker
Jennifer Rogers: Yeah, But Is It Significant?
Yolanda Ohene: Body Imaging by Numbers
Paul Shepherd: Simply the Best
SHEFFIELD, Crucible TheatreYear 11s & 12s
6 November 2019 (1pm-3:40pm)
Host: Helen Pilcher
Yolanda Ohene: Body Imaging by Numbers
John Roberts: The Hidden Maths of Rollercoasters
Ben Sparks: The Sacred Geometry of Chance
MANCHESTER, RNCM Concert HallYear 11s & 12s
7 November 2019 (10am-12:30pm, 1:15pm-3:45pm)
Host: Matt Parker
Rob Eastaway: Maths on the Back of an Envelope
Aoife Hunt: The Shape of Escape
Hugh Hunt: Maths in a Spin
BIRMINGHAM, New Alexandra TheatreYear 11s & 12s
12 November 2019 (10:15am - 12:45pm)
Host: Matt Parker
Zoe Griffiths: Numbers in the News
Nira Chamberlain: How maths can save us from an AI apocalypse
Ben Sparks: Windmills of Your Mind
BRISTOL, HippodromeYear 11s & 12s
28 November 2019 (1pm-3:45pm)
Host: Matt Parker
Aoife Hunt: The Shape of Escape
David Acheson: Pi, Pizza and the Electric Guitar
Ben Sparks: Windmills of Your Mind
LONDON, Phoenix Theatre near Tottenham Ct RoadYear 11s & 12s
5 December 2019 (10am-12:30pm, 1:15pm-3:45pm)
Host: Matt Parker
Rob Eastaway: Maths on the Back of an Envelope
Hannah Fry: Secrets and Lies
Colin Wright: Patterns, Predictions and Juggling
CAMBRIDGE, West Rd Concert Hall Year 11s & 12s
10 December 2019 (10am-12:30pm, 1:15pm-3:45pm)
Host: Kyle Evans
Rob Eastaway: Maths on the Back of an Envelope
Hilary Costello: Flying with Maths
Colin Wright: Patterns, Predictions and Juggling
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