13 December 2016 (10am-noon and 1pm-3pm)
RWCMD Dora Stoutzker Hall
CF10 3ER
Host: Jennifer Rogers
Hugh Hunt: Maths in a Spin
Rob Eastaway: Decisions Decisions
Jennifer Rogers: Yeah, But Is It Significant?
Tickets: £6 + VAT - Teachers Free
Price: £6.25 + VAT. Teachers are FREE.
Jen Rogers, Hugh Hunt and Rob Eastaway talk about the maths, statistics, geometry and mechanics of rugby, with special guest Ryan Jones, the former Wales captain, providing his expertise and helping with the demonstrations. This is a unique STEM show that any Years 11-13 will enjoy, whether their main love is maths, rugby...or both.You can download a poster here:
download the poster here (PDF).
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